Business Analysis

We take a snapshot of the current condition of your business: performance, growth margins, competitiveness and other parameters needed to streamline operations and plan an effective strategy.


Through deep market analyses, we define the positioning of your business compared to that of competitors, outlining the weaknesses on which an action is required and the strengths to leverage for growth. Furthermore, we define the risks and opportunities arising from the likely developments in the industry.

Operations Management

We identify the goals of a competitive production system, within the technological, engineering and financial constraints imposed by the economic context, in order to increase enterprise efficiency and we offer support in the implementation of those goals.

Intellectual Property

Usually we tend to underestimate the economic importance of industrial or commercial secrets and intellectual property rights. Adequate protection of internal information and the choice of appropriate instruments of legal protection not only safeguard know-how and inventions from the competition, but they also play a strategic role in key partnerships and access to funding.

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