Knowing in detail the company and its competitors is the first step towards a more conscious and less risky business management.
Business Plan
How to organize a new service?How to optimize resources?How to diversify the products that can have an impact on profits?The Business Plan is a tool through which the key points (goals, timing, cash flow forecasts), that must be considered in making any kind of project, are transferred and coded on paper.It is also a document required by banks, government agencies and corporations for granting funds and entering into agreements of cooperation.
Feasibility studies for launching new products
To consider in advance the opportunities, risks and means of production determines whether a new product or service is convenient and feasible in practice. We provide an accurate report on which projects are profitable and which lead to avoidable risks. We work with our clients to define the guidelines and priorities for action.
Analysis of suppliers and customers
How can you improve the relations with the suppliers you trust? What are the pros and cons that bind you to them? What is your customers’ solvency? A detailed study of the conditions of suppliers and customers can let you discover untapped potential and be aware of your weaknesses, evaluating the alternatives offered by the market.